Friday 8 October 2010

Audience survey

Remote audience research: how many social network friends or e-community consume films?
The age group I did my survey on was 16 - 18, they were both genders and they were all students.

How often do you go to the cinema?

Participant 1 - One or two times a month
Participant 2 - Once a month
Participant 3 - One or two times a month
Participant 4 - Couple of times a year
Participant 5 - Once every two months
Participant 6 - Once a month

Which is your favourite cinema? why?
Participant 1 - My favourite cinema is Vue because it is cheap and easy to get to.
Participant 2 - My favourite cinema is Odeon because although it costs more, it is easier to get tickets and it is a lot more comfortable than Vue.
Participant 3 - I don't have a favourite cinema, I just go to the cinema that is showing the film that I want to see at a time that is appropriate for me.
Participant 4 - My favourite cinema is Vue because it is in the city so it is easy to get to. It is cheaper than Odeon so it is better for me as I am only a student and can't really afford it.
Participant 5 - My favourite cinema is Odeon because it isn't extremely busy during the day which is when I go to the cinema, it is also a lot more comfortable than Vue.
Participant 6 - I don't have a favourite cinema, I go to the ones my friends choose to go to.

How do you hear about films? trailers, word of mouth, magazines, newspapers, radio?
Participant 1 - I mostly hear about films from trailers that I see on the tv. Also if my friends have seen a film that is good then I am more likeyly to go and see the film or watch the trailer to see if that interests me.
Participant 2- The way I hear about films is mainly through my friends.
Participant 3 - I watch trailers of films and if I like them then I go and watch them.
Participant 4 - I hear about films from reading reviews of them. If they sound good then I watch the trailer on youtube.
Participant 5 - I usually hear about films in magazines and advertisements.
Participant 6 - I hear about films through friends, trailers and I also read reviews in magazines.

What's the last film you've seen?
Participant 1 - The last film I saw was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Participant 2- The last film I saw was Inception
Participant 3 - The last film I saw was The Notebook
Participant 4 - The last film I saw was The Last Exorcism
Participant 5 - The last film I saw was Grown Ups
Participant 6 - The last film I saw was A Walk To Remember

What is your favourite genre?
Participant 1 - Comedy
Participant 2 - Thriller
Participant 3 - Romantic comedy
Participant 4 - Horror
Participant 5 - Comedy
Participant 6 - Romance

How do you like to consume films?
Participant 1 - I like the ambiance of seeing a film at the cinema. Also the screen is so much bigger and the sound is a lot better.
Participant 2- I like to watch films at the cinema because you can go with a group of friends and then discuss the film afterwards.
Participant 3 - I prefer to watch films either at the cinema or at home.
Participant 4 - I prefer to watch films at home on my television because there is nobody to disturb the film.
Participant 5 - I prefer to watch films at the cinema because it has new films that you haven't seen before
Participant 6 - I like to watch films at home because you can watch it for free, there is no one to disturb you and the food and drink is free.

Identify a British film or tv drama that you have seen recently
Participant 1 - The last film I saw that was British was Green Street
Participant 2 - The last tv drama that I saw was This Is England
Participant 3 - A British film that I saw recently was Harry Potter And The Half - Blood Prince
Participant 4 -  The last British film that I saw was 28 Days Later.
Participant 5 -  A British tv drama that I always watch is Skins
Participant 6 - The last British film I saw was Atonement.

Why do film directors consider cinema as the best place to view their films?
Film directors consider the cinema is the best place to view films because you get the full experience of the film. The picture is amazing and the surround sound really makes you feel as if you are in the film.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Charlotte for doing this research, it would be useful for you to evaluate your findings.
    Is it possible to explain the demographic of the participants in your research. Age, gender, occupation would be helpful.
