Friday 1 April 2011

Question 3. What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

A platform on which distributed my film is ‘YouTube’. I uploaded my film to the website. This means that a variety of audiences will watch my film, including an international audience, and seeing the opening of the film will market my film by word of mouth and persuade people to watch it in a cinema or by another media outlet such as DVD or via Ipods and games consoles. Social Networking sites would also distribute my thriller to the target audience as many young people have sites such as ‘Facebook’ etc. This is because I can upload my film onto these sites to distribute it to the target audience.

My thriller wouldn’t appeal to many distributing company because it is not stereotypically British and it doesn’t has strong British signifiers. Also, many companies don’t distribute films as short as 2 minutes; therefore I would have to enter my film into film festivals such as the ‘Student Film Festival Awards’ to get funding.

I could also enter my film into short film competitions which would help me distribute my film because I could get funding and be rewarded for my films. If I did this, my film could be recognized among professionals and the broader public which would enable to find future funding.

My media product has intertextual references with 'Red Road', which also gained funding through film festivals. Therefore my thriller would also be identified as an independent film. Because of this, my film will more likely be in an independent cinema such as ’Cinema City’ or there might be the possibility that it went straight out onto DVD. 

1 comment:

  1. WEll done! A short concise appreciation of how you can distribute your film. You understand the importance of internet to your TA and you have also identified your film as an independent and the importance of film festivals in gaining distribution interest.

    I would question lack of British signifiers?. The suburbs, the school, clothes and playground ... even the rabbit!
