Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Target audiences for 'Atonement' and 'This is England'

This is the trailer for atonement.

'Atonement' and 'This is England' have two very different target audiences. The main audience for 'Atonement' is females where as 'This is England' is targeted mainly for males because of the violence throughout the film. Atonement's main storyline pulls on the heartstrings targeting it at females rather than males. However, because a lot of the film is set during the war, it can be argued that it is aimed at males as well. The age certificate on 'Atonement' is 15; therefore the age group that is targeting is 15 upwards. However on the imdb user ratings the demographic who enjoyed the film the most was females aged 18-29.  Most of the cast in 'This is England' are teens/young adults; it enables teenagers to relate to the film a lot. However when the film was released it was certified as an 18, that meant that it was unavailable to its intended audience. Shane Meadows was targeting 15/16 year olds. The main characters in 'Atonement' are upper class therefore it targets upper and middle class more than working class people because they can relate to the characters in the film. This is shown from the beginning; the first shot is of a dolls house which represents their wealth. 'This is England's target audience is more working class because the characters in 'This is England' are working class so they can relate to them better.

This is the trailer for 'This is England'

1 comment:

  1. To strengthen evidence for target audience for these two films I'd suggest you look at "user ratings" on imdb and identify the demographic which found the films most appealing.

    "Atonement" is also partly funded by Universal(a co partner of Working Title) thus has higher production values and was made with an eye on an international (specifically USA) audience. Also the film had celebrity actors which Working Title/Universal can afford.
    "This is England" - audience specifically targeting disenfranchised/working class 15 year old British boys because the film serves as a warning about the dangers of racism and war.
    Because of the success of the film (though it had a limited release),is was highly acclaimed by the critics and thus reached a wide audience.

    "Atonement" mainly targeting a mainstream audience with outlets at multiplex cinemas
    "This is England" an art house/niche audience, for example Cinema City in Norwich.

    The UK Film Council website re distribution is helpful. Though The Coalition has suspended funding of this important institution who support the British film industry!!! But re distribution the website has some important information about British films which are difficult to market.

    Your commitment Charlotte is fantastic.
